Archibald Portrait Prize 2012 - Bille Brown in a Turkish Bath

I am entering a portrait of Bille Brown in a Turkish bath to participate in the upcoming Archibald Prize. I am hoping to surprise the viewers with our choice of composition as I have painted Bille in a way never seen before!
After learning that his interest in Sufi poetry, great knowledge of Ottoman history, and his mystic background, I felt that painting Bill in a Turkish Bath would be fantastic.  I was amazed to learn that he studied Sufi Poetry and story telling in Turkey. He knew Haji Firouz, Mullah Nasreddin, Sohrab and Rustam. What else could i have asked!!! I was extremely excited with the idea of taking him to a Turkish Bath to paint.  A well known Australian Shakespearean actor in a Turkish bath!
I was not sure if he would agree on this choice, but when Bille heard my idea, he was delighted with the thought of having a nice Turkish bath..   
The next challenge was finding a Turkish Bath in Sydney, but luckily there happened to be one. 
Of all the sittings, we have decided on this composition. I believe it reflects the gentle nature of my Great Bille with his delightful sense of humor. 
Thank you Bille,